Sniffing out little cherry disease with style and comfort with Dog Performance Gear!
Did you spot our Dog Performance Gear harness in the article from the Capital Press entitled Pilot project uses dogs to sniff out little cherry disease?
The article talks about how smart and incredible dogs are and how they could help us detect this disease which “prompts trees to produce cherries that are small, pale and weak-flavored, making them unmarketable.”
In this pilot project, they are training dogs to be able to “differentiate between clean and diseased wood and to detect the disease early, when the trees are dormant or in the nursery before planting.”

The cover photo shows one of these special detection dogs named Cubby. He is sporting a FunRun harness in red from Dog Performance Gear. In fact, Cubby was raised by us! Here he is looking quite dapper in his puppy harness as a youngster, already learning what to wear for work and play.

We are so proud of Cubby and his owner, Sue Edick, for their amazing teamwork in everything they do together. For them, detection work is play time!
The cool thing about our harnesses is that they are comfortable and safe for dogs who do detection work. Indeed, they are ergonomically designed to allow for a full range of motion in all joints. Our harnesses do not restrict the active sport dog's movements, instead, they adapt to your dog's body shape without creating pressure points.
Read the full article here or read below.